I Am Me
Arwa wears a feather dress on her first day at school, flying like a small bird to her class. We will learn from Arwa how to get rid of stress on our first day of school, how to trust ourselves, and cherish our personality.
Learn With Sugar: Shapes
On the way to school, the father plays with “Sucr-Wafla” the guessing game, through which we learn about the different shapes, such as the circle, the square, and the rectangle. Let’s have fun with our friend Sugar, and learn the shapes.
Learn With Sugar: Wild Animals
رافق “سكّر” والدته إلى حديقة الحيوانات، وهناك شاهد الأسد يزأر، والقرد يتأرجح، والزّرافة تمضغ أوراق الأشجار. في هذا الكتاب نتعرّف على بعض أنواع الحيوانات.
“Sugar” accompanied his mother to the zoo, where he saw the lion roaring, the monkey swinging, and the giraffe chewing the leaves of trees. In this book we learn about some types of animals.
Safiyyah & Delicious Meal
It’s the first day of the holy month of Ramadan. How did Safaya prepare for this month? Which obedience will you choose to get closer to God Almighty? And what is her story with a delicious chicken dish? This is what we will know in this story.
The story aims to present the virtue of the fasting person’s Iftar in Ramadan and to present the concept of charity
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Twin’s World
Saleem and Zayed are just one type of twins… World of Twins will introduce you to all the other types.
When The Power Went Out
Rashood bought a new video game. His eyes were glued to it day and night. This has made his friend Fahood sad, who could not play with him anymore. But what happened when the power went out?!