This is My Family


This is My Family is an interactive book that introduces children to family members, starting with their immediate family, mother, father, and siblings. It also introduces them to their extended family including grandparents, uncles, and aunts.

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This is My Family is an interactive book that introduces children to family members, starting with their immediate family, mother, father, and siblings. It also introduces them to their extended family including grandparents, uncles, and aunts.

This book aims to strengthen the child’s sense of security and belonging, ultimately boosting their self-confidence and love for their family members.
To enhance the reading experience the book also includes an interactive page with a frame where the child can place a picture of their family, creating a cherished memory and adding to the enjoyment of reading.

This book is part of the I Am Adam series by Adam wa Mishmish. Additionally, it is connected to a YouTube song and its very own augmented reality App, both of which can be accessed by scanning the codes on the back cover of the book.


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